Get Industry ready with Internships

Pranjal Yadav
4 min readAug 25, 2022

Hola amigos! I am back again with another blog about my experience during the summer internship at CAW studio. CAW studio is a tech-based startup located in Hyderabad. CAW studio came to our college for placements for a one-year internship opportunity. Bennett University also allowed us to do a six-month or a year internship to gain industry experience and expertise. The university also waived off the semester for the students doing these internships. The only requirement was to complete the milestones regarding our work, and this blog is one of the milestones.

Key points for internships
Caw studios

Our summer break started in mid-May 2022. CAW studio provided us with the courses to develop our skills before the internship in June. It was up to us to set a deadline to complete a module. There were regular standups with our mentor. The mentor was responsible for our progress, and he made sure we did not have any doubts. The internships started with a Bootcamp on web development which they divided into two parts. The first part was on the frontend framework, and the second was on either Django or Nodejs. The frontend framework was the same for everyone. We were a group of three for the backend framework Bootcamp.

The frontend framework had HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. Reactjs was an addon that we can do after completing this Bootcamp. The flow decided by the company was to complete the course first, followed by completing five challenges based on what we learned. The challenges consisted of a website with five web pages about Shopping carts, Online Piano, Jiggling keys on a keyboard, Checking a list of items, and a Stopwatch. Once we overcame the challenges, we had to automate the process of uploading the code on Github. We learned CICD pipelines and implemented them using Github Actions. The last part of the Bootcamp was to host the website on AWS S3 and AWS CloudFront. We also automated the syncing process of Github and AWS S3.

Basix frontend framework
Advanced frontend framework

The latter half of the Bootcamp had Backend development using NodeJs in Typescript. Usually, JavaScript does not have the concept of data types and return types that most languages have. Typescript gives us the ability to specify the data types as well as return types. The company provided us with a course on Udemy to learn the basics of backend development. As for the challenge, we were to clone the Book My Show website. Our mentor taught us the folder structure and naming conventions of functions, files, and folders. We followed the MVC structure in our code. We were given tasks on JIRA and had daily standups to keep a check on our progress. The database we were using was PostgreSQL, and the ORM was Prisma. Prisma is a new technology with increasing popularity, and we had the challenge of figuring out SQL queries and writing them in Prisma. In the end, we documented all the APIs which we created.

Backend Framework
Popular architecture

The company helped us improve and get a hold of industry-level coding styles. We realized that writing clean, reusable code is necessary and is praised everywhere. I learned a lot during the two-month Bootcamp of full stack web development, and I would like to thank CAW studios for the opportunity.

